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When A Dog's

Love is Like God's

by Allison Rish-Salazar

Dogs can teach us so much about God. Afterall, everyone knows that God is dog spelled backwards.

This past week, our beloved dog Gypsy passed away. When I think back over the four years we had her, she taught me so much about life and about God.

My husband adopted her while he was in the Navy stationed in Pensacola, FL and living there on his own. When he first got her, she was very skiddish, had separation anxiety, and she would flinch and yelp if you moved too quickly or touched her from behind without her expecting it (all signs of former abuse).

By the time she passed, she was about ten years old, and became such a different dog from four years earlier. With consistency, lots of love and affection, and some hiking adventures too, her poor behaviors slowly faded away.

I am so grateful that we were able to give her a safe and loving home and for her to live out her final years with love and security.

It makes me think of how God works. His love is consistent and never changes. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8 NIV). God's love is always available and it never changes. Gypsy's love was always available too. She was always waiting at the door with a toy in her mouth wagging her tail when we got home. She was ready to love and play with anyone who would reciprocate.

Gypsy's love was unconditional. She was never in a bad mood or angry with me. Gypsy was always there just waiting to give and share love, just like God. Gypsy was so humble. If I ever asked her to wait for anything whether it was food, a treat, a walk, or anything at all, she would. She was so patient and humble. God always gives us second chances. He is so patient with us in mercy and grace. "But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness" (Psalms 86:15 NIV).

Gypsy was so kind. One time I was washing the dog beds, and I forgot to put down two blankets so that each dog would have one to sleep on. In the morning, the blanket on the top of the couch was pulled down and on the floor. Our other much smaller dog (Kallie), was laying on it. I cried when I thought about how kind Gypsy was. God is so kind and good to us. "The Lord is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His works ( Psalm 145:17 ESV).

Gypsy was our protector at home and over our other dog, Kallie, too. We always thought Kallie would go first because she has some dementia, is 14, and is slow moving. Anytime Kallie went out to use the bathroom, Gypsy would go with her, stand on the back porch and watch and wait for Kallie to finish her business. I was always grateful for Gypsy's huge bark too that alerted us of strangers at the door. God promises to be our protector too. David, in the Bible, counted on God to be his ever present protector and so can you. "The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, " (2 Samuel 22:2 ESV).

Obviously God's love is so much bigger than a dog's love, but Gypsy sure showed our family a lot about how to love. I can only hope to be more like her in how I love other people. She was a perfect gift and blessing to our family. And I will be forever grateful that she came into our lives. "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" (James 1:17 NIV).

Rest in peace forever, Gypsy Queen!

Be Blessed,
